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A Connected Analytical Community
To Benefit Florida Law Enforcement

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Making a Difference From Behind The Scenes


The FCIAA was organized to create a state-sanctioned set of standards for all fields of criminal analysis and law enforcement, including knowledge, abilities, skill, education, and training.

Our members are individuals working in the government and private sectors whose primary responsibilities are analyzing crime or intelligence information. If you would like to contribute to a safer Florida, please become an analyst member today.



Inspiring thoughts...

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.
Apostle Paul

Our Mission

"The mission of the Florida Crime and Intelligence Analyst Association, Inc. (FCIAA) is to promote the exchange of information and ideas, to promote the highest level of ethics and professionalism, and to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of crime and intelligence analysts in the state of Florida."  

#PREZ          #VPM          #VPT          #SEC          #TREZ          #TECH

Check Out the Countdown To Our Next Conference!


Want more exposure for your business or organization? Your ad could go here! If you are/represent a criminal justice, crime analysis, or law enforcement-related business/organization, buy ad space from us now and get viewed by our nearly 400 members statewide, and approximately 2,000 site visitors per month! Ads will run continuously here for the time period selected and cycle for 5 seconds on each transition.